Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Anonymous said...

"We all reject out of hand the idea that the love of our life may be something light or weightless; we presume our love is what must be, that without it our life would no longer be the same; we feel that Beethoven himself, gloomy and awe-inspiring, is playing the 'Es muss sein!' to our own great love.
Tomas often thought of Tereza's remark about his friend Z. and came to the conclusion that the love story of his life exemplified not 'Es muss sein!' (It must be so), but rather 'Es könnte auch anders sein' (It could just as well be otherwise)."

- Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being

Anonymous said...

i need to read it...

Anonymous said...

@any old chip will do
that's one of my favourite books! :D